Rate Request


1. The rate information provided is an estimate only and may be subject to change. This is because:

(a) Any booking accepted by us are subject to all applicable charges, surcharges, fees, adjustment factors (including local ones), rules, exceptions and exclusions pursuant to the Maersk A/S trading as Safmarine ("Safmarine") Tariff (the “Additional Charges and Terms”).  Such Additional Charges and Terms may include, but are not limited to, GRI’s (General Rate Increases), terminal handling charges, port fees, overweight charges, documentation fees, customs charges and charges arising out of retention of container and/or vehicles beyond the free time permitted in the Tariffs. From the time of providing you with this rate information and the Price Calculation Date ("PCD") we also reserve the right to introduce and receive payment of new charges and/or surcharges which are in addition to the charges and/or surcharges contained in this rate estimate.

(b) The rate information has been calculated on the current rates, charges, surcharges and applicable exchange rates for the requested services while we will charge you the rates, charges and surcharges and use any exchange rates which are applicable on the PCD. This may result in a change in the prices of the quoted applicable rates, charges and surcharges.

For FMC regulated trades the PCD will be the date on which Safmarine or one of its authorised agent(s) takes posession of the last container listed in the transport document. FMC regulated trades are shipments exiting or entering a port in the United States, Guam, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa or Puerto Rico ("US") where 1) the Carrier takes possession of the cargo in the US whether in the Port of Loading or at the place of receipt, or 2) the Carrier tenders the cargo for delivery in eth US whether in the Port of Discharge or at the place of delivery. For all other shipments the PCD will be the date on which the carrying vessel is scheduled to depart from the Port of Loading.

2. Additionally, this rate estimate assumes that you will provide your booking and shipping instructions online. If booking or shipping instructions are submitted in another manner, we reserve the right to charge you additional or different charges to those provided in this rate estimate.

3. All bookings are subject to our cargo acceptance policies. When making your booking online, you must indicate to us whether the cargo requires temperature control or is hazardous.  You also warrant to us that you will provide to us all particulars required by us for the transportation of the cargo.  This includes, but is not limited to, providing the correct cargo description in compliance with all applicable customs and other laws.

4. Acceptance of booking requests is always subject to both space and equipment availability at both the time of receipt by us of your booking request and at the time of receipt of the full container quantity to be stated in the transport document(s).

5. All bookings and carriage are subject to Safmarine’s Terms for Carriage and Safmarine’s Booking Terms. These terms, conditions and provisions are available upon request from us or our representatives and are furthermore accessible on the Safmarine website https://terms.safmarine.com/carriage and https://terms.safmarine.com/booking-web.